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Urban academy news

Weekly Update | April 19, 2024


What a great week it has been. I was fortunate to join Ms. Ball and Ms. Dadar at the CAIS National Leaders Conference in Vancouver this past Sunday through Tuesday alongside educational leaders from across the country. It is always so rewarding to learn from such a great group of people. 

We came back to a bustling school on Wednesday with the Spring Arts Showcase preparations in full swing.  On Thursday our Grade 3 to 12 students not performing were able to Skytrain down to the Anvil Centre to watch the dress rehearsal. It was great that so many of the students were able to see the show and I expect the cast appreciated having an audience for the first run-through. Our youngest students will have the opportunity to see some of the numbers from the show in our own theatre in the next couple of weeks. 

Congratulations to all the students in the cast and the staff members who put on the Spring Showcase last night. There was a great crowd there to take it in. I know I was thoroughly entertained by our three show choirs, then the Jr. & Sr. Theatre Company who performed Finding Nemo Jr. and Newsies Jr. respectively. I had a sense of pride in the accomplishments of our students. Having had 4 years to observe the growth of some of these students is a wonderful perspective, it is truly amazing to see how far many of them have come with their skills and confidence. I appreciate the work and dedication it takes from all involved to make a show like this happen. 

Today was an excellent day of collaboration for the staff. Most of the Pro-D was dedicated to staff collaborating on our CAIS accreditation work in preparation for our CAIS visit next school year. The conversations are rich and are focused on school improvement across a wide range of standard areas. 

For the Canuck fans reading this…First playoff game in a long time on Sunday.  Go Canucks Go!!.

Yours in education,
Mr.  Slinger
