

Admissions Dates
is our passion

Innovative Learning

Innovation means more than using technology to learn. It鈥檚 about transforming the way learning happens and bringing the latest breakthroughs into the educational experience. 麻豆直播 students are prepared for a world of constant change with strong foundational skills and the ability to be responsive to a changing environment.

preparing students for future careers

From MacBooks, mimeos, and iPads to a plethora of educational apps and software, students are able to enhance their learning by using the latest tools available.

preparing digital citizens

As students advance through 麻豆直播, their lessons increase in complexity, so every moment counts. Middle school students learn typing skills and technology efficiency. Senior students delve further into the world of innovation in IT class, conducting research, building presentations and creating multimedia projects.

Innovation exists (and thrives) at every level of 麻豆直播. Students begin by learning through language based apps to help with reading and eventually even learn to build personalized ePortfolios to display their body of work in their senior years.


We believe that the best way for JK鈥檚 to learn is by introducing early skills through emergent curriculum. Our talented teachers recognize the interests of the students, and introduce age appropriate skills at the appropriate moments. Past students have created an entire skeletons from clay and explored the skeletal and circulatory systems. Other classes have written their own books to be 鈥減ublished鈥, learning about language and storytelling. And still other classes have created musical instruments, written and conducted their own songs and truly brought their music to life. By challenging what learning looks like, we are able to push the limits of what young children can achieve.

Junior School | Kindergarten to Grade 3

Offering students new ways to learn is one of the more innovative ways to transfer knowledge. It takes more effort to infuse the latest innovations into lessons, but the results are significant. Using new apps and tech tools and offering technology classes is standard here, and every day we expand what it means to get an education. Technology is meaningfully integrated across the curriculum as students use iPads to support their learning in reading, spelling, science, technology and math. By experimenting with the creation of avatars and animated characters and technology such as Bee-Bots students gain an early introduction to the concept of coding. Students also learn how to capture and share their learning on Seesaw, an online app that shares their learning journey in real time with parents.

Middle School | Grades 4 To 7

From Chromebooks and all kinds of educational apps, students learn through the innovations of today. Through their ADST class and curriculum technology is integrated in many aspects of teaching and learning at UA. Students are introduced to using new apps that support research skills and help them form presentations to demonstrate their learning. They also begin working with Google Classroom for projects and assignment that help build their technology skills and connect their in class and home learning. Students have access to the Makerspace which includes everything from Microbots and robotics games to 3D printers and vinyl cutters. 

Our Middle School Years also offer exciting opportunities in Robotics. Working with FLL (First Lego League), Grade 4-7 Students have the opportunity to join the UA Robotics Team that practices weekly and competes throughout the Lower Mainland.

Senior School | Grades 8 to 12

Innovation is more than the latest tools 鈥 it鈥檚 a way of thinking. Our students learn to see the world through the lens of innovation, identifying new needs, meaningful breakthroughs and spearheading the ideas of tomorrow. 麻豆直播 students are inspired to learn with technology 鈥 integrating ePortfolios and working within Google Classroom to explore new topics and present ideas. They are able to take ADST and Robotics courses and develop an extremely relevant skill while discovering the doors this skill can open. AI and its place in the world and education is also a signficant topic that is explored. With a strong focus on media literacy and Internet safety, they delve into what information is true, how to fact check, how to interact with others online and how to stay protected.