

Admissions Dates
starting learning off right

Kindergarten to GRADE 3

An early education at Â鶹ֱ²¥ inspires students to develop awareness of their identities: who they are, what they are passionate about, how they interact with others and the impact they have on the world. This is where students gain a foundation to become the leaders, thinkers and innovators of tomorrow.

We believe that by inspiring children, they will accomplish great things.

about junior school

An integrated curriculum and inquiry-based approach helps students delve into problem solving skills, develop resilience and encourage mindfulness.

Students are introduced to big ideas and problems, to which the solution requires an understanding of numerous core subject areas including numeracy, language arts, science and the arts. These large scale projects require students to conduct research, initiate discussion and link their learning to real life.

Resiliency lives at Â鶹ֱ²¥ as our approach teaches students that there’s always more than one way to solve a problem. Students learn that it takes effort to acquire new skills and they are introduced to sports, physical activities and extra-curricular clubs to further expose them to new concepts, ideas and challenges.

Â鶹ֱ²¥ also focuses on helping students discover their passions. Drama, French and Music specialists teach children new skills, as well as the impact of art and culture. These programs help students uncover talents and develop potential lifelong skills and interests.

Creative Learning

Students use art, drama and music to teach mindfulness and bring core academics to life. They integrate First Nations music in Music class to study community and diversity. They are taught about great contemporary Canadian artists such as Ted Harrison and Emily Carr to learn techniques and Canadian art history. As an example, students are introduced to artists such as Wassily Kandinsky and the Kandinsky circles to bring to life the concepts of geometric shapes that they learn about in math.

Innovative Learning

Exploring new ways to learn is the most innovative way to transfer knowledge. It takes more effort to infuse the latest innovations into lessons, but the results really speak for themselves. Using new software and programs is standard here and every day we challenge what it means to get an education. With iPads for each student, they utilize the latest technology apps to support learning in reading and spelling. By experimenting with the creation of avatars and animated characters students gain an early introduction to the concept of coding.

Experiential Learning

At Â鶹ֱ²¥, the environment becomes the curriculum. Students are energized and connected to their studies by actually getting out and experiencing what they are learning about. They enjoy daily physical activity outside and teachers take classroom learning beyond the classroom walls at every available opportunity during the regular school week.

Real World Integration

What better way to connect students to the real world than to actually bring local community figures into the classroom? Â鶹ֱ²¥ brings in police officers, doctors, postal workers, mechanics and other professionals into class to present how individuals make up a community and the vital roles that they each play. Community Service Club allows students to serve those in the community through food making and letter writing programs. Students have the opportunity to explore who they are to gain insight into the world and what they want to achieve with their lives.

Language Arts

  • Beginning to develop literacy skills
  • Playing with story and language to develop an understanding of story structure and literary elements
  • Participating in a story workshop
  • Exploring drama integration
  • Learning through guided reading
  • Using multi-modal literacy centres
  • Engaging in tactical learning


  • Discovering an introduction to number sense, graphing, shapes, measurement and patterning
  • Learning hands-on and with the use of manipulatives
  • Beginning to develop mental math strategies

Social Emotional Learning & Mindfulness

  • Creating an understanding of oneself and others
  • Using brain science, self-regulation, social awareness and problem solving

PE & Health

  • Collaborating in games which encourage an understanding of the importance of daily physical activity
  • Learning sportsmanship and fair play
  • Discovering fundamentals and safety
  • Using the school gym and going outside
  • Developing an awareness of good health practices including healthy eating, healthy relationships and positive self-image

Social Studies

  • Contributing to a community
  • Discovering how communities change over time
  • Understanding how our community shapes who we are
  • Engaging in various field studies to enhance understanding


  • Developing a sense of wonder for the world
  • Investigating through hands-on experiments to encourage questioning and predicting
  • Attending various field studies to enhance understanding


  • Using class sets of iPads
  • Utilizing technology for printing practice, reading and “word work”
  • Learning basic presentation skills and an introduction to PowerPoint
  • Creating books and composing songs on GarageBand
  • Gaining an introduction to coding


  • Learning basic conversational skills
  • Engaging in show and tell
  • Using vocabulary linking to units of inquiry
  • Counting and learning the different parts of the body


  • Exploring different mediums and techniques
  • Discovering opportunities for personal exploration
  • Engaging in artist studies


  • Developing oral language skills
  • Participating in two performances per year
  • Using tableaus and puppetry
  • Engaging in movement activities


  • Playing musical games
  • Performing throughout the year
  • Playing orff and percussion instruments
  • Exploring rhythm, beat, tempo and pitch

Field Study

Field study is linked to units of inquiry and subject to change from year to year. Examples are:

  • Visiting the Beaty Biodiversity Museum
  • Exploring the Vancouver Aquarium
  • Discovering Burnaby Village Museum
  • Attending the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra
  • Seeing the Carousel Theatre

Career Education

  • Setting personal goals for the school year
  • Acknowledging accomplishments, skills and interests
  • Developing healthy relationships


  • Exploring different genres
  • Reading aloud and sharing books
  • Practicing reading skills


Challenging Curriculum

While following the Ministry of Education Curriculum, Â鶹ֱ²¥ teachers approach learning by harnessing the natural interests of the students. By navigating curriculum through inquiry and linking curriculum together through broader units, students are able to better understand how various skills can be applied to real world ideas.

Inquiry-Based Learning

We help students learn by focusing teaching around their questions. By embracing investigation, we optimize retention, encourage discussion and help students take ownership of their education. Inquiry-based learning leads to more interdisciplinary lessons, more creative thinking and more complex solutions.

Weekly French, Music, Drama & Technology

Exposing students to a variety of subjects while they are young helps them develop an appreciation for the arts and language, and expands their skills. Through music and drama performances, they also develop confidence that leads to public speaking and presentation skills. Technology is taught as a tool to help students further their academic learning as well as to begin learning the basic ideas around coding and various apps.


During the primary years, students begin to understand the world and how they fit into it as individuals. They learn how to interact with others, that actions have an impact, and how their identity and passions can make them insightful global citizens.


Students attend field trips linked to their areas of study and have an opportunity to participate in a constantly growing array of clubs – either before school, at lunch or after school. They explore and engage with the school community through activities like our Remembrance Day assembly, Sports Day, day camp opportunities, Terry Fox run, Halloween party and Body Science Awareness. Parent integration also plays a role in extracurricular activities such as the Winter Concert, Spring Play, parent teacher conferences and student led conferences.

2+ Major

Asset 4

2+ Artistic
Pieces Per Student


5 Specialist
Classes Per Week

supporting successful students

Student Services

The “extras” beyond the classroom create meaningful experiences and ensure every student is connected, learning and invigorated.

  • Out of School Care
  • Introduction to technology
  • Library
  • Drama and Music specialist instruction
  • Ongoing academic assessment
  • Bus transportation
  • Mindfulness instruction
  • Mentorship opportunities (as both a mentor and a mentee)
  • A variety of clubs each term
  • Field study linked to units of inquiry