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GRADE 8 To Grade 12

The Â鶹ֱ²¥ Senior School Program focuses on defining students’ futures and contributions to the world. Through a variety of projects and an intrinsic motivation to learn, students will graduate with a sense of self-awareness, a desire to be a positive force for change and the knowledge of where to begin.

We believe that by encouraging children to lead, they will change the world. Your child’s success is our passion.

Accepting applications to Grades 8–12 now

about senior school

Students in Grades 8-12 grow in their awareness of themselves and their impact on the world while remaining firmly rooted in their studies. Every grade at Â鶹ֱ²¥ prepares students for post-secondary as they engage in projects and activities that ignite their determination to be future leaders. The result is accomplished young adults, prepared for a bright future.

Throughout these years, technology, science, creative and math-based assignments continue to refine students’ problem-solving skills. Opportunity for service, and participating in Model UN training and conferences that Â鶹ֱ²¥ is also proud to host, help develop a broader understanding of the world. With greater exposure to technology, integrating technology such as Microbits and Arduino in the Sciences, and actively building an ePortfolio throughout their senior years, they further demonstrate their tech skills as well as an aptitude for effective digital citizenship. In the Science Program, students are challenged to develop and conduct their own experiments while utilizing laboratory techniques and equipment in full facility.

Further exploration of various communities in Canada and internationally helps students develop a greater sense of empathy and social justice. Linking back to the curriculum, students gain a deeper understanding of how their actions impact the world and how they can apply their learning to be effective problem solvers and agents of change. By bringing in expert guest speakers in everything from science and engineering to arts and culture, and offering a University Counsellor from Grades 9-12 students also learn about what is possible for their post-secondary path.

Grad Years Program & AP Courses

The Grade 10-12 Program is the Grad Years Program that prepares students for University. Â鶹ֱ²¥ also offers opportunities for students to take Advanced Placement (AP) Courses. The AP program makes college and university courses available for students to take while they are still in secondary school. Â鶹ֱ²¥ believes in planning and supporting students to open doors to the futures and programs of their choice. 

For an overview of the Grade 10-12 Program and the courses offered please download our .


  • (starting 2025/26)

Creative Learning

Grade 8-12 students are exposed to art techniques including video equipment, photography, 3D printers, Vinyl Cutters, Photoshop and graphic design and they use art, drama and music for integrated learning. Theatre Company, Band, Wind Ensemble, Show Choirs and Improv Teams offer opportunities for performance. Students will also regularly use the arts to display learning, including creating songs connected to in-class learning, exploring social studies and language arts through era-appropriate arts and performing aspects of their in-class learning to showcase their understanding of the curriculum. Examples: American Revolution skits, Plains of Abraham graphic novels, Canada in the 1920s multimedia videos.

Innovative Learning

Innovation is more than the latest tools, rather it is a way of thinking. Our students learn to see the world through the lens of innovation, identifying new needs, meaningful breakthroughs and spearheading the ideas of tomorrow. Â鶹ֱ²¥ students have access to the school MakerSpace and are inspired to learn with technology in their regular classes as well as their ADST and Robotics courses. They also are able to be hands on in their learning focusing on collaborative problem solving challenges in Math and the resulting application. In the Sciences they have a plethora of innovative opportunities such as participating in a National Crystal Growing Competition, creating stop-motion mitosis animation, conducting Microscope observations of cell division as well as DNA extraction.

Experiential Learning

Â鶹ֱ²¥ Grade 8-12 students get outside and explore the wild. With Seymour Mountain and Whistler trips, art projects with outdoor elements and outdoor inspiration for poetry and literacy projects, it isn’t hard to see the impact outdoor learning has on students. Senior students also have access to an Outdoor Education program integrating activities like rock climbing, dragon boating, hiking and water survival with core academics. Physical Education integrates new activities outside and a camp week at the end of the year further allows students to discover the great outdoors while demonstrating their leadership skills. Cultural Travel opportunities such as Quebec, Costa Rica, Europe and Japan are also available to Senior School Students.

Real World Integration

For students in Grades 8-12, connecting education to careers is immediately relevant. Â鶹ֱ²¥ regularly brings in experts from various fields to talk to students about career opportunities. Students meet regularly with their University Counsellor to plan post-secondary opportunities and learn about the programs available to them. This program also includes discovery trips to post-secondary institutions in the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island. There are significant leadership development opportunities such as coaching, Assistant Directing in Performing Arts and House Leader roles to help guide their younger house members. Finally, Grade 10-12 students can also connect with other youth at province-wide conferences and events. Grade 8-12 Students also have numerous opportunities for national and international travel.


High Academic Standards

Our students embody excellence. They learn at new levels and are motivated to become the very best they can be. We create an ideal environment for learning, so the amount of information students are able to absorb is truly incredible. Â鶹ֱ²¥ boasts a 100% university acceptance rate, always to one of their top two university choices.

Individualized Attention

Our teachers get to know their students  and act as mentors. They get the attention to succeed and they are empowered according to their own unique needs. Every student is challenged and supported academically for a perfectly balanced and well rounded education upon graduation. With access to a social emotional counsellor and a university counsellor, students are able to get the support they require as individuals.

Technology Education

The careers our students will pursue might not even be invented yet. Innovation is a priority at Â鶹ֱ²¥ and we create nimble students that can adapt with the world. Technology skills will prepare students for jobs of the future and Â鶹ֱ²¥ offers full IT classes where students build their ePortfolio, perform digital editing of audio and visual projects and learn to embrace change.

Leadership Opportunities

Senior students attend Leadership Day at the start of the year, which helps position them for the leadership roles that they will fill over the course of the year – and beyond. These include Student Council, House Leaders, intramurals, mentorship opportunities, the ISABC leadership conference and more.

Community Service

Students that are connected to a community understand how their actions affect others. They know that it takes all kinds to make a strong team and they learn to work with others that are different from themselves. Mandatory community service hours help students engage with the local community and build connections.

Field Study

Students explore the world through an assortment of field trips and excursions. They are afforded visits to post-secondary institutions, conferences and field trips to companies from areas of interest to allow them to learn about the opportunities available to them upon graduation.


Students in Grades 8-12 are able to participate in ISABC leadership initiatives, take on leadership and coaching initiatives for younger students in athletics and performing arts, and go on excusions throughout the lower mainland. They have access to an array of clubs, intramural sports and full competitive sports teams including volleyball, basketball, badminton, track, cross country and ultimate frisbee. Parents stay involved in their child’s learning through senior education attending plays, events and parent teacher conferences. Students also participate in a large variety of activities including public speaking competitions, Yearbook Club, Art Exhibits, Spring Plays, Remembrance Day, Terry Fox Run, Winter Concert and Sports Day.

In addition to our enriched math curriculum (Math 9, FMP10, Pre-Calculus 11/12 and Calculus 12), students can participate in a cross-grade Senior School Math Club. This club is open to all students who wish to stretch their mathematical thinking and learning and will fulfill our goal for equitable mathematics experiences in our Senior School. Through this club, students will access: the exploration of extracurricular topics (combinatorics, geometry, etc.); guest speakers; contest enrolment and preparation; and potentially work towards group contests.

5 Day
Camp week


10 + Leadership


>3 University
Campus Visits

supporting successful students

Student Services

The “extras” beyond the classroom create meaningful experiences and ensure every student is connected, learning and invigorated.

  • Technology for learning and research
  • Library
  • Drama and music specialist instruction
  • Vocals instruction
  • Ongoing academic assessment
  • Bus transportation
  • Weekly assemblies
  • House system with 4 houses
  • Health and media class
  • Student Action Teams
  • Academic advising beginning in Grade 9 allows students to work with a councillor to determine post-secondary studies of interest as well as prerequisites needed
  • Social emotional counselling
  • Leadership opportunities in athletics and fine and performing arts