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Urban academy news

Weekly Update | March 1, 2024


Hello UA community, We started this week with the uplifting news about the UA Improv Team winning the semi-finals of the Canadian Improv Games (Lower Mainland Division). They won their semi-final on Friday and made it to the finals the next night. Having only started their improv journey in October, the team did well to secure a spot in the finals, ultimately finishing in fourth place. A big congratulations to the team and their dedicated teachers who coached and mentored them.

Continuing with more positive achievements, UA basketball teams had an outstanding season. See the Athletics section of this newsletter for more details! The success of our students in various fields truly highlights the diverse talents within our school community.

The last Wednesday of February is commemorated as Pink Shirt Day across the country. The day saw UA students and staff proudly wearing pink to signify their commitment to kindness, inclusion, and acceptance. Our Pink Shirt Day assembly served as a perfect illustration of our school’s core value of Belonging. It was wonderful to watch the JK to Grade 12 students come together as a team. At the end, we were all treated to a captivating live musical performance by our UA staff with student vocals, enhancing the overall sense of togetherness.

As we look ahead to this weekend, a reminder that today is the Global Day of Unplugging, starting at sundown on March 1 until sundown on March 2. Since 2009, the Global Day of Unplugging has been celebrated annually in March. Whether it is for 1 hour or 24 hours, at some point during the first weekend of March, people all over the world might consider stepping away from their screens and intentionally shifting into an offline or analog activity, an in-person interaction, a real-life gathering or simply a meaningful conversation about their relationship with technology. This also serves as a timely reminder for families to review our recent communications regarding the acceptable use of devices in UA.

Wishing you all a heartfelt and mindful weekend,

Khatereh Dadar, Associate Principal
