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Urban academy news

Weekly Update | March 15, 2024


Well, report cards came out yesterday which means that you have officially made it! The stretch between the winter break and spring break can sometimes feel like a bizarre mix of whirlwind and slow motion all at the same time. But here we are; I hope everyone is ready for whatever family time and adventure the next two weeks have in store!

As you likely would have heard this week from your Class Parent (thank you Class Parents!) the community is coming together to support our largest fundraising event of the year, ‘’. This is a significant event to help raise funds for the student ‘extras’ like tech, athletic equipment, experiential opportunities, fine and performing arts resources, and so much more. 

Our parent-run Gala Committee is amazing for making this event possible, but they need the support of the community to pull it off. One of the most important parts is that parents attend! It is a great opportunity to connect with other parents, bring friends, have a fun meal out, do a little dancing, get the competitive bidding juices flowing, and even play some casino games this year. Take advantage of $125 until April 6, and celebrate with the community at Â鶹ֱ²¥ on May 4. You will also be treated to delectable nibbles and treats from two of our UA family businesses:  for appetizers and  for desserts. Thank you to the Abdullah and Terepocki Grant families for contributing in this way… I know I am looking forward to it!

Another thing that I want to share is a shift in our storytelling/info-sharing as a school. We probably know all too well the answer to ‘what did you do today?’ can result in a brief or very high-level response from students… or even on occasion ‘nothing’! The reality is that your kids have some very interesting opportunities throughout the day that you probably would love to hear more about. Instead of waiting for quarterly newsletters to come out, we will be sharing these stories as teacher- and student-written Blog Posts on our website. If you would like to catch up on any of the following or learn more about what opportunities UA students are having, head over to the UA Blog: This is UA Life. Some more recent posts include:

If you are staying close to home over the break and would like to live vicariously through 23 of UA’s Senior Students (and 4 amazing staff chaperones), please follow along on our  as they journey through Japan on an 8-day trip of a lifetime. This group is learning about culture and adventure on their annual Senior Trip. We are looking forward to hearing about all of their time away when they return. 

And now, enjoy your children for the next few weeks and we will see you at the Gala!

Yours in developing UA,
Sonja Kennedy
